Happy Meshy Beach Bag
Added the strap. Decided to make one wide strap in lieu of 2. I think I made it a little too long in an effort to not make it too short. Typical. But I like it. Here’s what I did.
After the 10 garter stitch rounds...
Round 1: K5, BO 48, K10, BO 48, K5
Place the K10 sts on a stitch holder. Knit 5 sts, making 10 sts left on the needles. Work in garter stitch for desired strap length. I’m not sure what I did but again, I would’ve done it a bit shorter (I’m actually debating doing a crochet border around the strap and top of bag with the rainbow yarn). I then did a 3 needle bind off and crocheted like two sts to secure the end tightly. Also, I love that the bag can be slung across the body.
Here, have some more pics.